Two phrases that will cause anyone who pays attention to the developments in the field of UAPs (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena) to roll their eyes and groan, are “Buckle Up” and “Trust Me Bro”. They are rolled out by many who claim to be “in the know”, and proclaim that the next big revelation is just around the corner, bringing us closer to UAP “Disclosure”.
UAPs, or UFOs to use the outdated stigmatised acronym, is a gateway into a whole suite of paranormal phenomena that, the more you look into it, appear to be linked. The subject is so vast that I couldn’t even begin to do it justice here. But I want to impart some of my thoughts about this because it is something deeply meaningful to me. Delving into the topic has made me, humbly, do an about-turn when it comes to thoughts of spirituality, creation, and the nature of humanity and what we might be capable of. In fact, it was in the pursuit of these subjects that I ended up writing my most spiritual novel HOODWINK’S FOLLY, though that book is not about UFOs. Far from it.
But what is “Disclosure”? Well, to me it’s that we reach a wide consensus that this phenomenon is real and that there is a NHI (Non-Human Intelligence) that operates with technology on this planet that we do not understand.
In 2023 when military intelligence officer David Grusch came forward and testified to the US Congress about a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse-engineering programme, many sat up and listened. Are we really talking about Roswell? Well, apparently, yes, plus others.
You can find the entire July 26th 2023 hearing on YouTube, and although it runs for two and a half hours, I recommend you take the time to watch it. It is important. And if you don’t have that much time, then take away nothing more than this astonishing exchange, bearing in mind that this man goes to jail if he lies under oath:
In fact, the closed session (or SCIF) mentioned here never took place, and David Grusch, for most of 2024, has not been seen. How does the Military Industrial Complex backtrack on eighty years of obfuscation and possible criminality to hide this stuff? Well, they don’t, they double down, play the X-Files music and wheel out the green alien suits to remind us that it’s all a joke. Oh, and use darker tactics to shut this all down. Because, why play your hand to your adversaries? Over-classification of information was an artifact of the Manhattan Project, and it is said that the same classification approach was used for hiding UFO data, that was also used for that nuclear program in the early 1940s.
This situation may however be so important that it was the reason JFK was taken out. There are rumours he wanted to go public. And indeed, because of pillow-talk, Marilyn Monroe, who some say threatened to go public with what she had been told by JFK and possibly his brother too. That’s right, the story of UAPs appears to be so heavily interwoven with post WW2 politics that I’m almost certain that when the layers are finally pulled back, we’ll understand an awful lot more about world history than we thought we did.
Oh my God, did I just do a “Buckle Up” or a “Trust Me Bro” myself? I swore I’d never do that, and I just strayed dangerously close.
Grusch admits that UAPs may not be aliens, that NHI that may not have crossed millions of miles of space. They could have been here for centuries (there are many old paintings, ancient heiroglyphs and carvings that show some very weird stuff). The US navy sees them every day (yes every day!) off the east coast, zipping from 80,000ft down to sea level in a second, exhibiting g-forces up to 3000 (a human can barely withstand 9) and even going underwater. They have no immediately obvious method of propulsion or control. Could they reside in the vast unexplored submarine world? It would be a good place to hide if they we’re trying to obey the Prime Directive (from Star Trek, meaning don’t interfere with the host species). Grusch argues there may be an interdimensional aspect to it, using the analogy that we, as three dimensional beings, cast a two-dimensional shadow. Why would he say that, under oath, if he didn’t have some real sense of the possibility? These things may have been here all along, interacting with us in ways that our limited, materialistic brains fail to comprehend. If there truly is an inter-dimensional element, then how do I know that I’m not being watched right now by someone in this very room. The Chinese author Liu Cixin in his novel DEATH’S END goes into mind-melting depth about higher dimensions interacting with lower dimensions. The late great Carl Sagan explains it here:
If it is possible for a higher dimensional being to exist above the three-dimensional space that we inhabit, then according to Sagan they could travel through walls, and operate at the peripheries of our perception, rather like the sorts of things we expect from ghosts. So are apparitions, in fact, higher-dimensional beings?
I’ll leave you with this quote from Ronald Reagan in his address to the United Nations in 1987. What was he briefed on that led him to say this?:
“Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask you, is not an alien force already among us? What could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our peoples than war and the threat of war?”